Matrix Designer

Logistically plausible freight rate matrixes can hardly be worked out on a blank page and can rarely be derived accurately from previous rate examples. The key to success is precise calculation, whether you need a rate for bidding for a specific customer, a more general house freight rate, or realistic cost information for planning shipments.

Use your own real shipping and cost structures to generate freight matrixes that reflect your true costs! 


  • The detailed calculation and evaluation of discounts and mark-ups on shipments optimizes freight rate definition.
  • Individual matrixes that include weight and distance classes, zones, and other cost parameters.
  • The calculation of absolute cost rates per shipment or relative cost rates per quantity unit, for example, per 100 kg, per pallet, per loading meter, etc.
  • Optimizes total costs across all freight rate classes, taking degression and margins into account.

New Functions

  • Comprehensive, targeted analysis functions.
  • Changes may be made manually to individual values in the matrix and then smoothed automatically to conform to adjacent rates.
  • Quick profit assessment supported by colored analysis results.